
Sex Doll Brothels

Sex Doll Brothels

  • Tuesday, 08 September 2020
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Sex Doll Brothels

You’ve probably seen real sex dolls before, but have you heard of sex doll brothels?

That’s right, there are now popping up all over the world sex doll brothels. Interested in the experience? Well, you can either take a trip to the Barcelona real sex dolls brothel, the only sex doll brothel in Spain, or the sex doll brothel in Japan for a firsthand experience or read what we have to say about these unique businesses.

You don’t have to be heavily invested in the sex industry to go and experience a sex doll brothel. Sometimes tourists visit these countries to see what all the fuss is about. However, before you go you might want to look into what a sex doll brothel really is, what to expect, and what you should know before you plan your visit.

What is a Sex Doll Brothel?

In every day terms, a sex brothel is a place where people from all walks of life can engage in sexual activity with professional sex workers. Any location where prostitution happens is considered a brothel in most circles. Brothels have existed in this form for thousands of years. In fact, the first brothel established and taxed was in the 5th century in Athens.

The French and Spanish have a long history with brothels as well. However, a sex doll brothel is a new invention of sorts. For example, brothels are a place where sex dolls being used instead of real human beings.

How does it work?

Simple – A client walks into a sex doll brothel for the experience. The brothel provides both the real sex dolls and the pornography to get the client going. Once they are ready for action, they are directed to a range of real sex dolls. The Barcelona sex doll, for example, is a Spanish beauty who offers plenty of fun for any client.

You can also choose from Japanese, American, or virtually any ethnicity you prefer. The standard is a human sex doll that is ideal for any sexual fantasies that you may have. And if you aren’t in a brothel that has plenty of real sex dolls that look like humans, then it might be time to move on.

You’ll be charged by the hour for the services therein. Most sex doll brothels start at about $100 per hour, so come with your pockets full of money. Some brothels are more expensive, so be aware of the prices before you venture to your nearest one.

Once you’ve paid for the services you can enjoy yourself any way you like.

What to Expect & Know Before You Go

Sure, watching other real sex dolls getting fucked might sound like fun, but you will likely want privacy on your first trip to a sex doll brothel. The good news is most brothels allow for that. Sex with real sex dolls can come with a bit of a learning curve at first since they aren’t quite real women, but once you get the process down you can do whatever you want with them.

Unlike a sex robot brothel, a doll brothel doesn’t give you the complete sexual experience. Sex with sex dolls requires a bit of ingenuity. You have to get into the position you want, but the most popular are missionary and doggy style for a guy using a sex doll. For a girl using a sex doll, the male sex dolls offer a similar range of sex positions.

You can see a sex doll in action on various porn sites, if interested, but it works just about the same way as human/human sex. Fucking a realistic sex doll is more, fun, however, so it is a good idea to do your research on what dolls the brothel offers before you make a payment.

A few other points to keep in mind before you go:

-Use a condom. While the dolls are sanitized after each use, there is no guarantee the doll is 100% free of STDs.

-Figure out what you want before you go. Some sex doll brothels offer only one type of service. Ask if they do what you have in mind before laying down the cash.

-Remember that you can get a similar experience by buying your own sex doll.

In fact, if you’re ready to buy your own sex doll, then check out our collection. We have a wide range of dolls to choose from with no risks attached!

Tags: Realdoll Asians

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